sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015
Breaking prejudices: Love has no labels
Unfortunately, as social beings, people tend to have "implicit" prejudices, preconceived ideas on which we based to judge, normally unfavorably, a person's behaviour or personal characteristic.
Watch this beautiful video and think about the message it seeks to convey. Read the following questions which will help you to think about it
- What is a "bias" or prejudice?
- What kind of prejudices are made "explicit" in the video? Bias in reference to genre, age, race, disability, religion or sexuality.
- What does the X ray screen symbolise?
- What does the phrase " Love has no Labels" mean?
jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015
End-of-the-2nd term activities: Trips and Theatre
Easter to extracurricular activities with the aim of taking a break, socialising
and having fun together through doing outside-the-classroom activities different from the
classes and homework.
One of the most popular activity for 1st and 2nd years E.S.O. is the school trip to the French ski
station Somport where we all went snowshoeing , a fun way to enjoy the beauty of winter. It was
chilly and a bit windy, but it was good weather for walking.
On Friday we all went to the Theatre in Utebo to watch a different type of performance
"Improbich@", a play in which the actors improvised impossible absurd plays out of
phrases y excuses the audience had written on a scrap of paper before the performance.
3rd years spent three days in Madrid visiting their main museums and sights such as
the Congress of the Diputados, The Planitarium, The Egypcian Debod Temple, St. Ana
Square, the national archeological museum, The Austrias Madrid and The Bernabeu football
1st year Bachillerato have already arrived from Italy, where they have visited beautiful
citie such as Rome, Verona , Venice and Florence and emblematic places like The Vatican,
St. Mark's square or The Colisseum.
Welcome spring
I hadn't realised spring is already here. The awful weather and the tragic news from France did not let me see its quiet discreet arrival.
Open your eyes wide, spring is here, let us celebrate with a simple poem by William Blake with which you can practise pronunciation in English paying attention to the rhyme.
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015
In memory of the plane crash victims
Europe mourns the 150 victims of the plane crash in The Alps, 51 of whom were Spaniards
and five of them were Aragonese. Our thoughts are with their families and friends. R.I.P.
Lufthansa's director on the video giving explanations of the tragic accident of his company' s plane.
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015
Ireland in the movies: Leap Year
There are lots of movies set in Ireland dealing with varied recurrent Irish themes like social evils-"Angela's Ashes" ( based on homonymous novel by Frank McCourt) -the Northern political conflict, the so-called The Troubles -"Hidden Agenda" or "In the Name of the Father", easy-going crazy character of Irish people -"The Commitments o The Snapper", or deep rural traditional Ireland -"The field".
source: wikipedia
For our cinema session we have chosen Leap Year, a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Anand Tucker. The film is about a woman who heads to Ireland to ask her boyfriend to accept her wedding proposal on leap day , when tradition supposedly holds that men cannot refuse a woman's proposal for marriage. Her plans are interrupted by a series of increasingly unlikely events and are further complicated when she hires a handsome innkeeper to take her to her boyfriend in Dublin.
source: wikipedia
source: http://www.englishblog.com
- What is "leap year"?
- What can women do on leap days according to Irish tradition?
- What sociocultural aspects of Ireland are depicted in the movie?
- What is the stereotype of an Irish person?
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015
Enjoying the "craic" at The I.E.S. Torre de los Espejos.
Ireland's adverts by 2 C
viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015
jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015
Tourist Brochures of Ireland
If you need some help and inspiration you can browse some real brochures in Spanish sent by Ireland's Tourist Office in Madrid
Brochures available here
Irish password
You have 200 seconds to finish the game: press on the timer
Press on each letter in order.
If the answer is right, press for 3 seconds on key "y".
If the anwer is wrong press on key "n".
If it is "password"press on key "space".
Passwords should be answered on the following rounds
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015
Irish Music: Whiskey in the Jar: one song, two styles
Over the time, Irish traditional music has developed and evolved into new forms, updating to the present times and mingling with other styles and rhythms.
Yet music is still a central element is social events. Irish music enthusiasts gather at a pub to play and drink beer.
One of the best-known traditional Irish song is "Whiskey in the Jar".
Watch at these two videos: the traditional style played by the Irish folk band "The Dubliners" and the adaptation of the same song made by Metallica.
Compare : general style and rhythm, musical instruments , audience, setting.
Which do you prefer? Why?
Here you have the lyrics, what story does the song tell? Retell the story using your own words.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015
Irish Writers
Have a look at the information displayed on the poster and then answer the questions to check out how much you learnt about Irish literature.
prize winner.
Irish Literature Trivia
Ireland, The Emerald Isle
Next Tuesday, 17th of March is St. Patrick's Day, Ireland's Patron Saint's Day. We are going to celebrate it by learning about this attractive country with such an interesting culture and eventful history through the celebration of the Irish Week at the high school . Over the week we will be working on cultural , literary aspects and traditions of Ireland. The spirit of this cultural educational celebration is summarised by the logo of the Irish project - Eire is good craic !!.
Don't forget to bring something green next Tuesday ( an item of clothing, a wig, a ribbon, nail polish etc.)
What does a United Europe mean to you?
source: http://micuarto.blogspot.com.es
La comisión Europea ha convocado un concurso de vídeo de 1 minuto de duración para estudiantes de 13 a 15 años en cualquiera de las lenguas oficiales sobre el siguiente tema : ¿qué significa una Europa unida para ti?.
Plazo de presentación: 10 de abril 2015
Aquí os dejo el enlace con toda la información sobre la convocatoria. Bases
martes, 10 de marzo de 2015
Describing places: vocabulary and structures
We have also worked on adjectives by completing this time-saving postcard with appropriate adjectives others than the "overused good and bad". Once the vocabulary has been presented , some volunteers have then explained the details of their particular trips orally to the rest of the the class.
CLIL: Aprendiendo idiomas en el taller
(AICLE: "Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos en Lengua Extranjera; CLIL: "Content and Language Integrated Learning").
La actividad ha consistido en el estudio de una unidad didáctica de la programación de Tecnología de 2 y 3 de la E.S.O. en inglés y/o francés. Aquí os dejo unas fotos del trabajo realizado.
- English Project: "Materials- wood and paper- and characteristics"; Environmental analysis of sustainable forests" ( 2 E.S.O. C). The following triangle structures have been made in the workshop out of recycled paper.
- Projet français: Les éléves de 3 B E.S.O. ont décidé de construire ensemble à l'échelle 1:20 l'atelier de notre college "Torre de los Espejos" á Utebo.Ils ont construit tous les objets, les murs ,la porte-fenêtre,le sol, etc. avec des materiaux de recyclage.Ils ont travaillé très bien. Nos félicitations!
miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015
Ebro River floods Aragón and Navarra lands
domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015
El lenguaje oral en la clase de idiomas
Lenguaje Oral en Clase Idiomas