miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015
Le Petit Prince en français
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015
Talking about Superstitions in 2 ESO
With 2 years ESO we are dealing with the supernatural and the most popular superstitions.
Why do people believe in this kind of things?
What are people afraid of?
What are fortune-tellers? What ways are used to tell people's fortune?
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015
¡Somos ganadores en los premios espiral edublogs!
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015
Social science newspaper for our class
First of all we need to decide on the newspaper's name. Make your proposal here
The one with the most votes will be our newspaper's name.
- Demografía / Demography
- Organización política de los estados/ Political organization of states
- Título: elegir un título para el diario (Todos los miembros deben hacer su propuesta, puedes añadirla aquí)Name: choose a name for the newspaper ( all the members can make their proposal, you can add it here)
- Secciones temática del periódico: son las categorías que clasifican temáticamente los artículos y todo el contenido del periódico.Thematic sections of the newspaper: those theme categories of the articles and contents of the newspaper.
- Grupo de redactores jefes (3-4 alumnos)Group of editors in chief ( 3-4 pupils)
- Seleccionar contenidos para después elaborar los artículosSelect contents for the articles
- Diseño de portadaFront page design
- Correctores de redacciónWriting correctors
- Artículo de presentación del periódico.Newpaper's presentation article
- Periodistas (16 alumnos) Journalists ( 16 pupils)
- Proponer temáticas para elaborar los artículosPropose themes for the articles
- Documentarse e informarse en fuentes fiables, críticas y contrastablesGet information from reliable,critical and verifiable sources.
- Crear borradores para que sean supervisados y corregidos por los redactores jefesMake drafts to be supervised and corrected by editors in chief.
- Redactar artículos de noticias de interés con objetividad.Write news articles con objetivity
- Realizar entrevistasMake interviews.
- Escribir artículos de opinión mostrando el punto de vista del periodistaWrite opinion articles showing the journalist's viewpoint on the subject
- Seleccionar documentación gráfica para ilustrar los artículosSelect graphic documentation to illustrate the articles
- Sección de pasatiempos (4 alumnos) Pastimes Section
- Elaborar con la herramienta online Educaplay pasatiempos relacionados con la temática del periódico (Crucigrama, Sopa de letras, Ordenar letras, Adivinanzas,...) para incrustar en el periódico.Using the online tool Educaplay elaborate pastimes related to the newspaper themes ( crosswords, riddles, wordsearch, unjumble letters to make words etc) to be embedded on the newspaper.
- Portada/ Frontpage:
- Artículos de noticias (de 8 a 10)News articles
- Artículos de opinión (de 4 a 6)Opinion articles
- Entrevistas (de 2 a 3)Interviews
- Pasatiempos (de 4 a 6)Pastimes
- Formato y extensión del artículoFormat and extension of each article
- Titular, subtítuloHeadline , subtitle
- Entradilla: resumen del contenido (350-450 caracteres con espacios)Lead/ opening paragraph : summary of the news ( 350-450 characters inclusing spaces)
- Cuerpo: desarrollo extenso de la noticia (1400-1900 caracteres con espacios)Body: development of the news ( 1400-1900 characters with spaces)
- Imagen o imágenes: calidad web de 200*200 píxelesImage(s): web quality 200 * 200 pixels
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015
Microfiction stories about Books
Here you can read a selection of some of the best microfiction stories that go in for the writing contest. Soon we will we know the winner of the contest, the decision won't be easy though.
domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015
"Origami" animated video
As Gonzalo Carretero comments on his blog Educación y Medios Audiovisuales, this video poses several important values and concepts for education such as the importance of traditions, the respect for the elderly , the beauty that can be created with our hands, the need of determination and effort, the importance of imagination in a technological world.
I hope you enjoy it
Origami (2012) from ESMA MOVIES on Vimeo.
Ayudas para el programa de inmersión lingüística en el extranjero 4 ESO
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 25/05/15
La solicitud se encuentra disponible en el siguiente servidor
An emoji crush story
Can you put in words the story expressed through emojis?
What other "risky uses of mobile phones" should we avoid ? Would tou be able to express it through emojis?
sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015
Aragonese Mathematical Olimpiad
The Mathematics competition for High School Students has been held and 106 students have classified among them there are Andrea Paola García Céspedes and Angel Custodio García de León from our school. Well-done!!
Congratulations and Good luck!!!!
Conservative's victory at 2015 UK election
"We can make Great Britain greater still", promises David Cameron in his victory speech at the 2015 elections.
The results caused the resignation of three biggest losing parties Labour’s Ed Miliband, the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage of UKIP.
The other winner is Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party who has stated
" Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined we’d win 56 out of Scotland’s 59 MPs".
Conservative victory presents a challenge to the EU as David Cameron has promised a referendum over the continuation in the union for 2017.
9 May Europe Day 2015
Why a Europe Day?
Click on the image to see the celebration of this big festival.
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015
Madrid's trip videos
For a complete information in English about Madrid click here
Madrid. Julia, Nuria y Guayén from Isabel Mariñosa Vela on Vimeo.
Obsolete Objects
Nowadays current technology is advancing so fast that lots of object that we used to be very popular in the past have fallen into disuse. Younger generations are not familiar with old-fashioned objects such as fax machine, rotary telephone, typewriter, quill, floppy disk , instant camera, radio receiver , compact casette or the phonograph.
Ask your parents or grandparents about these or other archaic objects. Does your family keep any of these objects? Have you ever used any of these antique objects?
Read about the museum of obsolete objects, a very interesting catalog of videos of outmoded artefacts.
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015
Finalistas del IX Premio Espiral Edublogs 2015
Hace unos meses leí la convocatoria de estos premios por casualidad y decidí tomar como un reto nuestra participación en él, como motivación e incentivo para mejorar y continuar aprendiendo en este apasionante mundo de la blogosfera.
Fueron duras semanas de trabajo pero a la vez muy motivadoras y creativas.
Ser finalista ahora y haber competido con proyectos de tanta calidad me llena de satisfacción además de agradecimiento a Espiral Edublogs, y especialmente a todos los compañeros y alumnos que habéis hecho posible llegar hasta aquí.
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015
Be inventive!
The next stage is for the pupils to make up their own invention, no matter how silly and absurd may seem, the important thing is to describe the gadget and its main functions and purposes in English.
Every year I have a good laugh at the projects as some of them are really fantastic and great fun to read.