sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

Metodología clil

Os dejo información del CPR sobre organización y metodología clil en centros bilingües


En una de las sesiones del seminario de nuevos centros bilingües, le pedimos a Alberto Garrido, profesor del CEIP Rosales del Canal, que nos respondiera, desde su punto de vista y la experiencia de su centro, a las “preguntas frecuentes” sobre los programas bilingües (las “Frequently Asked Questions”). Aunque en principio las respuestas se refieren al contexto de los centros de infantil y primaria, algunas de ellas también se podrían aplicar a los centros de secundaria.

How do you involve parents and colleagues in a bilingual project? How can we motivate and involve the teachers at school?
Every school is different, don’t compare it to other schools (there’s a different context, there are different students, teaching staff…)
Try to get all the teachers at school involved: with your work,  try and show them that it’s possible.
All of the teachers are in a bilingual school!!  (not just the project teachers) [It takes time, though]
All the school take part in the celebrations, in the same way that project teachers take part in carnival, or other school celebrations.
Is it better to teach Social Sciences or Science through English?
There’s no difference. The important thing, how students get contents and skills through a communicative approach
For example,
  • Explain a poster
  • Create a leaflet
  • Write a story
Which is the best way of organizing the staff in the first stages of a bilingual project?
Try to establish a linguistic referent: the teacher is a model, so the teacher must speak English all the time: in the classroom, in the corridors, in the street…
(He never speaks Spanish to students- to build up their confidence)


Every time a project is finished, parents are invited to come.
Sometimes, parents are invited to come to lessons (for example, on Friday afternoons). If they can speak English, some of them join in. Then the teacher doesnt’t have to convince parents any more, because they know what’s going on.
You can also invite other teachers, to involve them as well.
How can you involve parents that do not speak English?
Parents, don’t panic: parents don’t need to teach them English (or anything). Rather, teach them values- leave the teaching to the teacher (trust us)
Also: Social networking sites ( Facebook page, blog…) to share what they do in class with parents. Parents find it useful. Kids’ faces are never shown


Essential: project teacher and class teacher must be planning together
In their school, infants coordinator and primary coordinator have weekly meetings to plan ahead
When the teacher asks the question, they give the answer to their partner…then, whole class (that’s a established routine).
The classroom teacher, involved in the project as well (for ex. shooting the video). She did some related project as well in Spanish.


How to involve kids who can’t really speak English?
Example: Show and tell: they have to prepare it at home
They have to think of how to prepare the speech
Think of the questions their classmates might ask
Lower ability students can prepare a 5- sentence show and tell (instead of the longer speech other students might prepare, so you can reach all sorts of students
Students have to ask relevant questions- fostering critical thinking
Parents are invited to the class
There’s no pressure on the students- Show and tell is done once a term, but students do it whenever they’re ready
You get to know the students…you learn about their interests
Students explain  to younger students from other classes: everyone loves it—whole school project
Integrating the content from diferent areas…
How to assess contents / language? What is more important?
It depends on what you’re assessing…if students can understand and apply the contents from Science / History, etc….then the content is the important thing- focus on that
If you’re doing literacy…then language is the important thing…but beware: they are bound to make mistakes
Assessment through writing? In curricular areas? There are lots of other ways to assess children…nothing to do with writing (ex.projects)
Assessment of learning…summative…I’ m going to teach 1,2,3… At then end, you will repeat what I said
Assessment for learning…every student will know where they stand in their learning…where they need to go…and how they’re going to get there…so teacher can help them where they are…give lots of feedback
Assessment techniques…ongoing assessment tools…students’ confidence is boosted
LOW-ABILITY CHILDREN…learning difficulties
Promote a “partnering pedagogy”= teacher as a helper
(Vs. Bullimic pedagogy…I want you to learn this)
Class arranged into mixed ability- groups / pairs, depending on the activity / purpose of learning
Differentiating…same activity, but different levels of attainment
Flexibility (small groups), independent learners
Effective coordination with teachers
Kids with learning difficulties…both in English and Spanish
Late comers to the project: it’s just a matter of time. They can start working with a “good” student
At the moment, in CEIP Rosales del Canal,  they’re doing “adaptaciones curriculares” in English


If you’re not ready to do something big, then do something you feel confident with

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

A pen that correct spelling

Do you always fail your English exams? Have you got difficulties  in spelling?
Here you have the solution for your problems. Don't forget to bring it to your English exams.

The pen that checks for spelling errors on paper and vibrates when you make a mistake
    • If a spelling mistake is made the pen vibrates to alert the user
    • Future models will additionally check for grammatical errors

Aprendizaje permanente de idiomas

Interesante artículo sobre las mejores maneras de mantener tu nivel comunicativo en idiomas y sobre la necesidad de estar en contacto y practicarlos en las situaciones habituales de tu vida cotidiana.

Recursos para no olvidad lo aprendido en idiomas

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Anna Kendrick- "Cups- When I am gone"

I got my ticket for the long way round
Two bottle of whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow, what do you say?
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
You're going to miss me by my hair
You're going to miss me everywhere
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
You're going to miss me by my walk
You'll miss me by my talk
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
I've got my ticket for the long way round
The one with the prettiest of views
It's got mountains, it's got rivers
It's got sights that give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
You're going to miss me by my walk
You'll miss me by my talk
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
You're going to miss me by my hair
You're going to miss me everywhere
You're sure going to miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
You're going to miss me by my walk
You'll miss me by my talk
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
Anna Kendrick - Cups (When I'm gone) - (Pitch Perfect OST)

A farewell to Adolfo Suarez, the transition's prime minister

Adolfo Suárez, father of Spanish democracy, dies at age 81
The first prime minister of the democratic era, the man who guided the transformation of Spain after the Franco dictatorship, passed away in Madrid on Sunday


                                          source: http://elpais.com/


More than 30,000 turn out to say farewell to Adolfo Suárez

1,670 days that changed Spain

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Inspirational video: "Do you dare to dream?"

In the different tutorial classes we showed this video on how to make your dreams come true , how to achieve your aims and how your imagination helps you believe you are capable of reaching your goals.

The pupils, especially those in upper years, found it really useful and educational as it teaches what learning implies, its obstacles, and above all, its rewards

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Día mundial de la poesía. 21 de marzo


Cada año, el 21 de marzo, la UNESCO celebra el Día Mundial de la Poesía y nos invita a reflexionar sobre el poder del lenguaje poético y el florecimiento de las capacidades creadoras de cada persona. De acuerdo con la decisión de la UNESCO, el principal objetivo de esta acción es apoyar la diversidad lingüística a través de la expresión poética y dar la oportunidad a las lenguas amenazadas de ser un vehículo de comunicación artística en sus comunidades respectivas. 
In celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.  One of the main objectives of the day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. 

 L’UNESCO célèbre chaque année celles et ceux qui font vivre la poésie comme une des plus hautes expressions de la langue et de la culture. La poésie est un chant de liberté, pour affirmer son identité par la création. La poésie est aussi le chant de nos sentiments les plus profonds : « m ême sans le vouloir, est poésie toute parole qui vient de l’émotion. » disait l e poète et diplom ate brésilien João Cabral de Melo Net o. Par ses mots et par son rythme, la poésie donne forme à nos rêves de paix, de justice et de dignité. Elle donne la force et l’envie de se mobiliser pour eux . 

Para celebrar la ocasión, hemos elaborado un libro de poesáis con los poemas de amor y reflexiones personales que los alumnos han escrito en inglés , francés y castellano, versos que rebosan sentimientos sincesos y delicada sensibilidad.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Genre Equality

Watch this video which aims at encouraging girls to become leaders and to perform leading roles in society.
This is part of a campaign against genre prejudices and stereotypes which consider ambitious women to be "bossy".

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Becas para inmersión lingüística para alumnos de Bachillerato

Educación convoca 2.000 becas de inglés en España dirigidas a preuniversitarios

El Ministerio de Educación ha convocado becas para que estudiantes de Bachillerato y Grado Medio de Formación Profesional realicen un programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España.

El Ministerio de Educación ha convocado un máximo de 2.000 becas para participar en un programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España de una semana de duración. El programa está dirigido a alumnos de Bachillerato, Grado Medio de FP, Artes Plásticas y Diseño, Enseñanzas Deportivas, y Enseñanzas de Idiomas de nivel intermedio o avanzado, y tendrá lugar en régimen de internado y pensión completa, a partir del 30 de junio y durante el mes de julio.

Los interesados deben haber nacido entre el 1 de enero de 1994 y el 31 de diciembre de 1997 y haber obtenido en el curso 2013-2014 la condición de becariodel Ministerio de Educación para alumnos de estudios postobligatorios. Asimismo, los solicitantes deben acreditar tener aprobado el curso anterior con un 7 de media en la asignatura de inglés. Si el solicitante está matriculado en enseñanzas bilingües pero no ha cursado la asignatura de inglés como materia individualizada el curso anterior, se tendrá en cuenta la calificación obtenida en la asignatura de inglés de cuarto curso de ESO.

La cuantía de las becas asciende a un máximo de 900 euros, que se abonarán a las empresas adjudicatarias. La adjudicación de la beca dará lugar a la asignación de una plaza para participar en la actividad, pero para completar el precio total del curso los alumnos deberán abonar 100 euros a la empresa que resulte adjudicataria del curso. No se concederá ninguna cuantía desde el domicilio del estudiante al centro de destino, ni de éste a su domicilio.

La solicitud se debe cumplimentar mediante formulario online en 20 días hábiles contados a partir de hoy. Una Comisión Evaluadora será la encargada de concretar el resultado de la evaluación efectuada bajo una serie de criterios de adjudicación que tendrán como base la nota obtenida en la asignatura de inglés. A la nota se le sumará 1,50 puntos cuando el solicitante sea de nueva adjudicación.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Lecturas de San Valentin: Historias de Amor y Desamor

El mes de febrero ha estado dedicado al tema del amor. Los alumnos escribieron en inglés y francés historias de amor y desamor de gran calidad que nos han emocionado a todos.  Esperamos os gusten

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday

100 grams flour. A pinch of salt. 2 eggs. 200ml milk with 75ml water. 2 tablespoons melted butter or oil. A little oil for frying the pancakes. Some sugar and one lemon. Mix the flour and the eggs with a fork. Slowly mix in the milk and water. Put a littleoil in the pan. Heat the pan (very hot.) Pour in one and a half tablespoons of mixture.Cook for about 30 seconds. Toss the pancake once. Cook for another 30 seconds.Serve with a little sugar and lemon juice.