jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014
Christmas Recyclart Workshops
Our last day of the term has been devoted to artcrafts in creative workshops.
First we started a campaign to collect materials to be reused and recycled in the workshops- plastic bottles and bottle caps, toilet roll tubes, nespresso cups and egg boxes to make Christmas decorations , ornaments and other types of artcrafts like origami, earrings, bracelets, brooches.
We all have a great time and made pretty Christmas gifts for our friends and family!!
First we started a campaign to collect materials to be reused and recycled in the workshops- plastic bottles and bottle caps, toilet roll tubes, nespresso cups and egg boxes to make Christmas decorations , ornaments and other types of artcrafts like origami, earrings, bracelets, brooches.
We all have a great time and made pretty Christmas gifts for our friends and family!!
jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014
Christmas Trivia Quiz
Here you have a Christmas quiz with some questions. Take part in the contest. Look for
information, answer the questions and submit your answers Do not forget to note down your
name and class. Good luck!
information, answer the questions and submit your answers Do not forget to note down your
name and class. Good luck!
lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014
The Magic of Recycling
Click on the image to see an interesting video on the magic of recycling, a video on the importance of recycling and how to take care of the environment.
Publicado con Blogsy

Environment-friendly news
California becomes the first U.S. state to oficially ban the use of plastic bags: Click here to read the full article
A zero-waste supermarket is possible in Germany: Click here to read the full article
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
Recycling Week: survey and environmental analysis Of Utebo
4th year ESO pupils have answered a survey about school litter and have also made a detailed environmental analysis of Utebo. Basing on the results of the survey, they have drawn serious conclusions that should be taken into account in order to improve Utebo's quality of living.
Recycling Week: The Three Rs
In order to say goodbye to 2014, the International Recycling year, the different departments involved in the project have worked together on school activities aimed at awaing the pupils' awareness regarding the importance of recycling for the protection of the environment.
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014
Teens problems & Bullying
In 3 year ESO we have discussed about the most common problems adolescents worry about nowadays. Here you have the main conclusions drawn.
This discussion led us to analyse on of the issues affecting schools- bullying.
In tutorial classes we have seen this video recorded by Amanda Todd, an American teenager who committed suicide after being bullied for years. We have also read the full story in a newspaper
Click here for further reading about Amanda Todd's story
Teen problems from
This discussion led us to analyse on of the issues affecting schools- bullying.
In tutorial classes we have seen this video recorded by Amanda Todd, an American teenager who committed suicide after being bullied for years. We have also read the full story in a newspaper
Click here for further reading about Amanda Todd's story
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014
Comics of the story of Stingy Jack
In order to understand where this well-known popular Irish tradition comes from, we devoted one session to telling the story of Stingy Jack, the origin of the present famous pumpkin we use on Halloween to scare away the evil spirits.
According to an Irish legend, Stingy Jack used to be a scoundrel fond of drinking and evil. On two occasions the Devil came for his soul but Jack played a trick on him avoiding death. When he finally died, unable to enter Heaven because of his evil behaviou in lifer, he went down to Hell's door where he met the Devil, who, keeping his word, took revenge on Jack and did not let him in. That's why Stingy Jack was punished to wander in the dark with a burning coal as a lantern for the rest of eternity.
Read this old Irish story about how the scoundrel "Stingy Jack" became " Jack-o-lantern' , the popular scary pumpkin. Click here for reading the story : Legend of Stingy Jack,
Watch this video of a film short performing the legend.
As a go on activity, some students dramatised the story in front of their classmates but others preferred drawing a comic. Here you have some of the comic strips based on the Irish legend of Stingy Jack made by E.S.O artists.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
Noche de ánimas, Noche de Juan Tenorio
La tradición de celebrar Halloween importada de la cultura americana nos ha hecho olvidar la costumbre española de la Noche de Ánimas y su procesión, que se celebra la noche de Todos Los Santos, el 1 de noviembre, en la que, según la tradición católica, las personas recuerdan a sus muertos, les ayudan a salir del purgartorio y a alcanzar la vida eterna.
Si quieres conocer en detalle esta tradición tan española, pincha aquí donde podrás leer más sobre esta noche dedicada a los difuntos.Noche de ánimas.
Era costumbre en los teatros españoles representar alguna de las versiones de Juan Tenorio, com la de Tirso de Molina o Zorrilla.
Si quieres conocer en detalle esta tradición tan española, pincha aquí donde podrás leer más sobre esta noche dedicada a los difuntos.Noche de ánimas.
Era costumbre en los teatros españoles representar alguna de las versiones de Juan Tenorio, com la de Tirso de Molina o Zorrilla.
martes, 7 de octubre de 2014
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014
Alcohol abuse at festivals
During the Pilar Festival , think about the serious consequencs of alcohol abuse for your health. Watch this video explaining the harmful effects of alcohol in your body
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014
European Day of Languages: 26 September
A special day devoted to languages leads us to think over the advantages and benefits that knowing foreign languages bring for our personal, academic and professional development.
source: Europe Direct Leeds
The European Day of Languages is 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages (2001). Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.
The European Day of Languages is 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages (2001). Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.
- alert the public to the importance of language learning and diversify the range of languages learned in order to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding;
- promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe;
- encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school.
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014
26 september: European Day of Languages (2)
Read here the BBC guide to language learning: why and how to learn a language
Take a look at ths interesting project done by a primay school to promote all languages in he school: Language of the month.
Have a thought about the advantages of language learning
source: Lancanshire Grid for Learning
26 septiembre: Día Europeo de las Lenguas
source: The Lancashire Grid for Learning
Click here and do this quiz in English in order to check your knowledge of the languages in our continent
Now test you knowledge you Europe
Source: Lancanshire Grid for Learning
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014
Scotland's referendum : 18 September 2014
Scotland goes to the polls: Voters answer "Yes" or "No" to the referendum question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
Scotland rejects independence
Some benefits of learning foreign languages
Click here to read some tips and tricks to pick any language
Just remember that learning foreign languages bring lots of benenfits!
sábado, 19 de julio de 2014
lunes, 7 de julio de 2014
Tips for successful oral communication
Watch these videos showing some tips to improve your speech in public and oral presentations. They teach us great ideas to sound " interesting" to be listened to & to call people's attention when speaking.
martes, 24 de junio de 2014
Spain's Autonomous Communities
3rd Year ESO pupils prepared these presentation about the Spanish Autonomous Communities which were orally explained to their classmates in the Social Science classes.
Here you have some of the presentations made by 3 A class
Here you have some of the presentations made by 3 A class
miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014
Da Vinci's projects
Here you have some gadgets that our 2 E.S.O. D and E pupils have invented using their imagination and creativity.
domingo, 1 de junio de 2014
Les Luthiers deben aprender inglés!
Have a laugh with this funny video showing misunderstandings in communication.
How important it is to understand English!
How important it is to understand English!
domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014
Jornada de animación a la lectura en el I.E.S.
Michael Ende, La Historia Interminable
El pasado miércoles 21 de mayo, se celebramos en el centro una jornada de animación a la lectura con el libro y la lectura como protagonistas.
or la mañana, los alumnos de primer ciclo de la ESO asistieron a una charla con el laureado poeta y fotógrafo aragonés, José Verón Gormáz.
Realizamos un pequeño homenaje a Gabriel García Márquez con al participación de alumnos en la lectura en público de Relato de un Náufrago.
Simultáneamente se realizaron otras actividades de reflexión sobre la importancia de la lectura en la sociedad como la proyección de la famosa película de ciencia ficción de François Truffaut basada en la novela de Ray Bradbury, que dibuja un escenario futuro sin libro ni letra escrita.
Finalizaron la actividad con la lectura del mito de Eros y Psique. La profesora Mercedes Ortiz fue aportando las explicaciones y aclaraciones pertinentes que ayudaron a una mejor reflexión y comprensión de la lectura oral.
Por la tarde pudimos asistir a una interesante charla-coloquio sobre la importancia de la lectura y el proceso creativo literario con el escritor aragonés Santiago Morata, que nos contó cómo se inició en una actividad que tanto éxito les está aportando a nivel profesional y personal, además de aportar valiosos consejos para aquellos con inquietudes culturales que deseen iniciarse en esta apasionante actividad de creación literaria.
Ahora toca poner en práctica estos aspectos literarios en el I certamen de Relatos " Desde La Torre", organizado por el instituto para toda la comunidad educativa, y que cerró la jornada cultural en torno al libro y la animación a la lectura.
sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014
Description of places: holiday ads
Are you fed up with the noise , the traffic and the hustle & bustle of a big town like Utebo?
Are you thinking of travelling on holiday next summer?
Here you have some idyllic places suggested by 2 E.S.O. D pupils
Are you thinking of travelling on holiday next summer?
Here you have some idyllic places suggested by 2 E.S.O. D pupils
domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014
Mobile phones in our life
Are we becoming unsociable and dumb, unable to take our eyes off the screen of our mobile phones?
Are mobile phones killing face-to-face interactions?
Is technology really making our life easier and happier?
Watch this great video about how personal relationships are being affected since the arrival of these new communication gadgets.
Are we becoming unsociable and dumb, unable to take our eyes off the screen of our mobile phones?
Are mobile phones killing face-to-face interactions?
Is technology really making our life easier and happier?
Watch this great video about how personal relationships are being affected since the arrival of these new communication gadgets.
viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014
Sesión de tarde: " Père et fils"
LE JEUDI 15 MAI À 16.30 h.
Père et Fils
Père et Fils
Léo, est délaissé par ses enfants
David, Max et Simon. Ayant peur de mourir sans avoir revu ses fils Max et David
réconciliés, il s'invente une maladie grave pour obliger ses fils à faire un
voyage au Québec avec lui.
Fiche technique
Titre : Père et Fils
Réalisateur : Michel Boujenah
Coproduction franco-québécoise
Genre : Comédie dramatique
Durée : 97 minutes
Dates de sortie : 16 mai
2003 (festival de Cannes) 20 août 2003 (France
exploitation), 9 septembre 2003 (Festival de films de Toronto)
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