domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Recursos para aprender Inglés


6 Recursos educativos más para aprender inglés
  1. Duolingo: Web que te permite saber el nivel que tienes y empezar rápidamente a practicar con diferentes actividades. Los creadores de la web calculan que con 100 horas puedes obtener un nivel intermedio de inglés.
  2. Palabea: Vídeo chat a través del que puedes hablar y escuchar para aprender inglés con diferentes habitantes de países de habla hispana.
  3. Busuu: Red social que te permite acceder a ejercicios interactivos y actividades para aprender inglés. Además podrás contactar y compartir conocimientos y dudas con otros usuarios.
  4. Livemocha: Web en inglés que propone la creación de un mundo sin barreras, para aprender, enseñar y explorar. Es una efectiva herramienta para que alumnos y trabajadores aprendan inglés.
  5. Babbel: Sistema de aprendizaje que combina las ventajas de métodos pedagógicos tradicionales con las nuevas tecnologías. Una sencilla manera para aprender idiomas on-line.
  6. Vocabsushi: Web que te permite construir tu vocabulario. Es ideal para los estudiantes que están preparando los exámenes y también para todas aquellas personas que deseen mejorar la precisión a la hora de comunicarse.

History of Halloween

When did this festival start and why? Where does this tradition come from? Why do we use pumpkins?
Listen to this video explaining the origins of this Celtic tradition that has been exported worldwide and has become one of most popular nights of the year for children and adults alike.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

C'est l' Halloween

Songs and poems for Halloween

For Halloween we have recited some poems by heart in class


Witches come on Halloween (Camptown) Halloween
Witches come on Halloween, Here's a witch with a tall black hat,
Heh-heh, Heh-heh! Here are the whiskers of her cat,
Watch out now or you might scream, Here is a jack-o-lantern looking at me,
Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh! Here is a goblin, hee, hee, hee....
Pumpkins shining bright,
With their candlelight.
Bats and goblins coming too,
Watching out for you- BOO!


                                                                   Pumpkin, Pumpkin
                                                       Pumpkin, pumpkin nice and round,
                                                          Lying on the cool, soft ground.
                                                        Once you were a seed so small
                                                          Now you are a big, round ball.


Jack-O-Lantern (London Bridge)

Jack-o-lantern smiling bright,
Smiling bright, smiling bright
Witches flying in the night,
It is Halloween!
Ghosts and goblins, cats and bats,
Cats and bats, cats and bats.
Witches with their funny hats,
It is Halloween!!

We have also sung an appropiate song for the ocassion: "Dance in the graveyard"

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Ciencia y Tecnología y el desarrollo del cerebro humano

«Los implantes de chips para hablar idiomas serán realidad» :   pincha aquí para leer el artículo

El presidente de Inbiomed diserta en San Sebastián sobre las investigaciones en torno al cerebro y sus implicaciones

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

More tips for learning English


Reading comprehension

  1. Read the text quickly to get the gist of what it’s about.
  2. Read the questions carefully, making sure you understand them. If you aren’t doing an exam, look up any words you don’t understand.
  3. Read the text again, this time more attentively and underline the parts you think may be useful for answering the questions.
  4. If you are not in an exam situation, look up the words and phrases you don’t understand, or ask the teacher if you are in class.
  5. If you are in an exam situation, use what you already know about the text topic and about the English language to guess the meaning of unknown words.
  6. Don’t take the shortcut of simply looking for the answers to the questions without reading the text! This can lead to mistakes.
  7. Answer the questions. Try to answer them in your own words unless they are True/False questions and you have to justify them by quoting parts of the text.

Listening comprehension

  1. Study the questions you are given carefully before you hear the recording, so as to become familiar with the content and be prepared when you hear it.
  2. Don’t try to understand everything; just listen carefully for what is asked in the questions.
  3. Make notes in pencil during the first listening and then confirm your answers or modify them during the second one.
  4. Check your answers carefully before you finish.


  1. Always have some rough paper to hand. Quickly write down any words or ideas that come to mind in relation to the topic of the composition. If you want to write initial ideas in Spanish, that’s ok.
  2. Try to think of an original approach.
  3. Use your knowledge and experience ‘of the world’ to find ideas.
  4. Once you have some ideas, organise them, either in a diagram or a draft. Remember, you must have an opening paragraph, body and a conclusion. Remember that the conclusion must take up things you have said in your essay and not introduce new ideas.
  5. Don’t forget to link your sentences using connectors. Make sure they are the right ones!
  6. Adapt your ideas to your level of English, not the other way round.
  7. If you are in an exam, you may not have much time, so start by making a short plan or diagram.
  8. Check your composition (or your draft) carefully for mistakes such as subject-verb agreement, correct tenses and spelling.


  1. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer you will make.
  2. Make an effort to pronounce properly but don’t worry if you don’t get it right. The important thing is to make yourself understood.
  3. Try put verbs into the right person and tense.
  4. Don’t answer questions with monosyllables. Explain or develop your answer.
  5. Simplify your ideas so that your sentences will be clear.
  6. In dialogue, listen carefully to what the other person says.

I Concurso Bilingüe de Epitafios





Write your epitaph in Spanish and then translate into English and/or French.
Écris une épitaphe en espagnol et après traduis-la en anglais ou en français.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

What are stereotypes?

 " A stereotype is a simplified generalization about member of a group" ( Wikipedia)

Stereotypes are closely connected with two other concepts- discrimination and prejudice

Discrimination: "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex"

Prejudice: " a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience"


Watch this presentation comparing three nationalities British, Irish and Spanish.

What do you think about it? Are stereotypes true?

 Steretypes lead to jokes, can you give examples of jokes based on Spanish stereotypes ?

 55 nations: Stereotypes that will ruin or make your day

If you want to know what other nationalities think of Spaniards, click here

Explain the following joke in your own words: 

Heaven is where the French are the chefs, the Spanish are the lovers, the British are the police and the Germans are the mechanics and everything is organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the British are the chefs, the Swiss are the lovers, the French are the mechanics and the Germans are the police, ans everything is organised by the Spanish.

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

10 tips for Learning English

How can I improve my English?
It’s hard to give specific advice without knowing more about you. So I’m going to give you some general advice. Which may be of interest to other listeners and readers.

Point one

Be clear about why you want to learn English. Do you want it for your job? To help you get a job. To talk to english speakers. To help you study.

Point two
Be clear about, how good you want your English to be. How good do you want to be at speaking english? Listening… Reading… Writing…
Point Three
Have a clear image of yourself when you have achieved the proficiency that you want. What will you see? What will you hear? How will you feel?
Point four
If possible enroll on a language course, if you can’t put yourself in situations where you can use english which leads on to point five.
Point five
Look for opportunities to learn and use english. Speak English whenever you can, listen to the radio and CDs in english, read and write in English. If you look for opportunities you will find them.
Point six
Write down new words and phrases in a notebook, keep the notebook with you. So you can look at it when you have a spare moment.
Point seven
Practice practice practice… There is an expression in English “If you don’t want to lose it use it”. This is very true when it comes to learning foreign languages.
Point eight
Find the learning buddy or colleague. Find someone you can learn English with. Speak with each other, send each other messages in English.
Point nine
Learn little and often. Make it a habit to learn english for 10 minutes each day, this is much better than learning for longer once a week.
Point ten
And a final point at the beginning of a learning period, ask yourself. What do I want to learn today?. At the end of a learning period, ask yourself. What have I learned today?
There is a story about a teacher who told his students “you know you’re making progress in English when you speak in English, think in English and dream in English”. One day a student came into the class very excited and said teacher… teacher. “Last night I dreamed in English”. The teacher said “That’s wonderful, what did you dream about?”. And the student said. “I don’t know it was in English”. hehehe
Transcribed by: Alessandro and Mary

Source: BBC Learning English